Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Ok, so it has been an entire month since we posted anything....and it has not been an eventful month so that is why there have been no posts, but we created this blog to keep anybody out there that wants to keep in touch with us to know what is going on....so, thus i shall write.

Things we have done this month: go to see movies, work, go out to eat, work, visit family, and work!

So, we went to see the movie "Wanted" on a whim...and were completely disappointed. Way too much bad language and blood and guts. Major bad movie and just for that I have gotten Chris to agree to take me to see "Mama Mia" as retribution.

I (bonnie) was able to reconnect with family members this month due to the death of one of my aunts. I am sad for the loss, but I am excited to have contact again with the family members that I have not see in over 15 years. I think we will actually get to go to a family reunion next month too! Chris was able to visit with his family for a couple of days this month too. We actually hope to be able to go back to visit them in a couple of weekends so that I can go to the Cheesecake factory :) !

We have also gone out to eat a lot! Yea! We have found a new restaurant (new to us) that it is quickly becoming our fav. It is Carrabas! If you are unfamiliar, it is a great Italian restaurant chain and there is one very close to our apartment. We have been there a couple of times and actually found out that our former neighbor is the manager there, so that is a plus!

So, that is about it for us this month. Hopefully we will have pictures of something fun we do soon!