Friday, September 12, 2008

New furniture and pottery

We were blessed this year to be able to purchase a new dining room table around tax return time. We got a pretty good deal and we are very pleased with our new table. It is a big step up from the folding sides kitchen "table" that we were using before. I have also found a new hobby that i really enjoy. There is a place near our apartment that we have found called River City Pottery. They have all different kids of already made pottery pieces and you can buy one and then paint it in their store. They supply all paints and brushes and then they fire it in a kiln to make it all shiny. I have been four times (the most recent being tonight :) ) . I have displayed somem pottery pieces here for your enjoyment and then i will post next week when I get the piece that I just painted tonight. We also got new curtains for our bedroom due to the sun coming in more since our landscapers cut down a big bush in front of our bedroom window. We got these curtains because they have a lining and we thought that this would give us more shielding from the sunlight.....well we were wrong. Now, there is just a red glow in our bedroom throughout the day :)

So, enjoy the pics!

Kitchen table

Kitchen table

This is our first pottery piece. We made this piece right before our wedding. You may not be able to see, but what we did was draw a face representing all those that were in our wedding party. Then drew palm trees because we got married at the beach!

This is my second piece that I did. I was most proud of this piece because it took so much detail to do two colors and then do the stencil for the flower. The green and yellow colors are colors that match almost exactly to the colors of our dishes.

This is my third piece. I painted this on a girl's day out with the ladies from my Sunday School class. I used the same colors for my fourth piece that I painted tonight to match this piece.

These are our new curtains! Yea!

Also, this our bed! We LOVE it. It is a king size and cherry wood. The headboard and footboard and curved a little at the top resembling the sleigh bed style. This was a blessing of a wedding gift from Chris' parents!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Gone Fishin'

Hey All,

Bonnie and I were blessed to have an extra day off this week. We used that opportunity to go cruising and fishing with Bonnie's Dad on Chickamauga Lake. We had a blast. We were able to enjoy the scenery as we cruised up and down the lake. We also had a great time fishing. As you will see, we are fishermen/women to be feared.

Bonnie caught three whoppers like this one.
Unfortunately, Bonnie caught a bad sunburn as well.

I caught the first whopper of the day!

John, we thank you for taking us out. We had a wonderful time.